By equipent

Laser Line Probe

When providing our services, we use the most modern precision linear scanners (so-called LLP - Laser Line Probe). These are devices mounted to the tip of the measuring arm, thanks to which we can scan larger details (up to 4 meters) while maintaining very high accuracy. The result of our services is a point cloud based on gestures, on the basis of which we evaluate the geometry of details.

up to 4 meters

range in meters



600 000

points per sec.

ISO 10360-8 (D)


The precision scanner is an indispensable tool for those looking for top-quality 3D scanning services. Our services provide unrivaled non-contact measurement capabilities.

The tools we use are extremely precise, thanks to the connection of the scanning head to the measuring arm. This combination creates a versatile measurement tool, ready to perform tasks at the highest level of accuracy of a sizable range.

With our services, digital data can be collected using a contact head as well as a scanning head. We offer our customers the ability to digitize even the most complex features while maintaining excellent measurement quality. We can scan a variety of surfaces regardless of contrast, reflectance or part complexity, all without the need for special coatings or marker placement.

New opportunities for inspection and quality control are opening up for our customers using scanning services. Among other things, we offer. comparison of point clouds to CAD models, rapid prototyping, reverse engineering and modeling of complex 3D surfaces, so we provide services tailored to the most demanding needs.

We use blue laser technology. With its unparalleled scanning capability, we meet our customers’ needs for high scanning speed, which translates into fast service delivery. We offer the ability to scan even difficult surfaces, including dark and reflective materials, while maintaining the highest resolution and precision.