We offer multi-day basic, advanced and expert training courses covering FARO® CAM2® Measure / FARO® SCENE Software packages. We train our customers based on years of experience in the practical use of measuring software on FARO measuring arms as well as laser trackers. Special expert training is available upon request.
The training is always held at the customer’s premises and is customized – meaning that it takes place on the customer’s equipment (arm, line scanner, laser tracker) and the customer’s software.
For clients wishing to expand their knowledge and significantly improve the competence of their employees, we recommend advanced training.
Contact us to discuss what type of training best suits your requirements: phone: +48 600 525 006 email: office@treon.pl
The principle of operation of the equipment and the methodology of working with the device,
key technical parameters of the device,
Messages, warnings sent by the device,
Measuring probes, types, how to use, best practices, recommendations,
Arm mounting methods, best practices, recommendations,
Environmental conditions affecting measurements,
discussion of management settings in DEVICE CENTER
Learning to compensate the probe, checking the probe,
The principles of arm testing measurements and its accuracy,
Learning to test the repeatability of the SPAT arm,
Learning to compensate the arm on the granite table,
The accuracy of the device, how to understand it, how to interpret the accuracy,
A discussion of ISO 10360-12 and device accuracy testing,
Learning to take measurements with minimized errors,
Discussion of key aspects of the CAM2 program interface,
Discussion of key CAM2 program settings,
creation of coordinate systems,
evaluation of the collected measurement data
preparation of measurement strategy
discussion of how features are calculated in the program
Analyzing the results of measurement readings and eliminating errors,